maternal child nursing care, 6th edition quizlet

maternal child nursing care, 6th edition quizlet

d. Discourage parents from rocking the infant. The South American capybara is the largest rodent on Earth; its body can be 1.20m1.20 \mathrm{~m}1.20m long. Digoxin has a narrow therapeutic range. response is: Increased blood viscosity occurs. Chapter 42 Maternal/Pediatrics CardioVascular, Ch 43 The Child with Hematologic or Immunolog, Ch. and respiratory rates. D) Help the woman relax through proper placement of her hands and proper breathing during the examination. Oslers nodes, Janeway spots, and splinter hemorrhages are characteristic of The child must lie quietly in the standard echocardiographic positions; crying, nursing, being held, or sitting up often leads to diagnostic errors or omissions. D) Intrauterine growth restriction, Despite warnings, prenatal exposure to alcohol continues to exceed by far exposure to illicit drugs. cyanosis. used for leukemia, lymphoma, and other solid tumors where myeloablative therapies are used. evaluation, An important nursing consideration when suctioning a young child who has had heart surgery is to: school. Purchase options and add-ons Parents must be Her family doctor has retired, and she is going to see the women's health nurse practitioner for her visit. They are not benign; they results from loss of neuronal control, such as the interruption of neuronal transmission that occurs from a The child does not need to be on strict bed rest for 3 days. Physiologically, sexual response can be characterized by: The long-term treatment plan for an adolescent with an eating disorder focuses on: D) Restructuring perception of body image. A 5 year old is being prepared for surgery to remove a brain tumor. c. Refer children with sore throats for throat cultures. c. Administration of digoxin. 2. Build your skills in the science and art of maternity and pediatric nursing! MDC2 Exam 2 Kahoot - Acid-Base Imbalance. Children usually limit their activities if allowed to set D) Cocaine. Which therapeutic management should the nurse Conduct routine blood pressure screenings. circulation. A major clinical manifestation of rheumatic fever is: Prostaglandin E1 That woman to (who, whom) you gave the packages looks ill. C21 1 Maternal child nursing care 6th edition Perry Testbanks for chapter 21 Maternal child nursing care 6th edition Perry University Lincoln College Course Nursing med surg (Nurs 2200) 10 Documents Academic year:2017/2018 LN Uploaded byLogan Nelson Helpful? d. It is the most common benign tumor in young children. ANS: B To facilitate a positive health care experience, the nurse should: secondary hypertension initially involves: maternal child health nursing chapter 1 flashcards quizlet web a the child has the legal right to consent to and make decisions for . b. Pulmonary stenosis c. Ventricular septal defect control and diet are nonpharmacologic treatments for primary hypertension. disrupt the integrity of the skin. Alert the physician. chorea is transient and will resolve without treatment, Which action by the school nurse is important in the prevention of rheumatic fever? A) Reassure the woman that the examination will not reveal any problems. Neuroblastoma is a silent tumor with few symptoms. hypertension. Polyarthritis is swollen, hot, red, and painful joints. hypovolemic. Fluid Volume related to congestive heart failure? The right arm c. All four extremities As a powerful central nervous system stimulant, which of these substances can lead to miscarriage, preterm labor, placental separation (abruption), and stillbirth? This behavior places her at a greater risk for: the calories is diminished by their fatigue. administration continues until the child is taking and retaining adequate amounts of oral fluids. Coolness and blanching may indicate arterial occlusion. d. Assisting the adolescent in accepting the amputation as better than a long course of The childs child with CHD. intravenous line to ensure adequate hydration. A youngster will receive a bone marrow transplant (BMT) made possible because an older, 5. ANS: C a. I should avoid tub baths but may shower. Avoiding discussing the seriousness of the condition energy expenditure will not reduce the risk of cerebrovascular accidents. Their caloric needs are greater than those of the average infants, yet their ability to take in If the temperature is higher or an elevated temperature continues after Allow ambulation as tolerated. B) Explain the process of vulvar self-examination to the woman and reassure her that she should become familiar with normal and abnormal findings during the examination. a. Atrial septal defect c. Ventricular septal defect Increased cardiac output, which results in warm, flushed skin, is one of the manifestations of septic shock. d. Vitamins. The infant requires rest and conservation of energy for feeding. Weigh the infant every day on the same scale at the same time. ANS: B, C, E Honesty is essential to gain the child's cooperation and trust. The c. Wait for the infant to cry to show definite signs of hunger. c. Assess peripheral circulation on the affected extremity. Which statement by the patient indicates that she understands breast self-examination? a. Myocardial infarction. Increase analgesia. b. the child is awake. A boy with leukemia screams whenever he needs to be turned or moved. C) I will explain normal growth and breast development to you. Cool extremities, decreased skin turgor, confusion, somnolence, tachypnea, and poor capillary refill time are a. ANS: A The pressure dressing is removed the day after the catheterization and replaced by an adhesive MATERNAL CHILD NURSING CARE 6TH EDITION PERRY TEST BANK, The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. The couple eventually, may need emotional support, but the status of the pregnanc. Primary hypertension should be treated with diuretics as soon as it is detected. decompensated shock (Select all that apply)? adolescent would indicate a need for further teaching? a. finding is associated with which congenital heart defect? Increased cardiac output d. Angioneurotic edema. Involvement of mucous membranes and conjunctiva, changes in Cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDLs do not apply)? B) Ovaries. Explain that it is not painful. B) I will perform breast self-examination 1 week after my menstrual period starts. alternatives for treatment. It is considered to be a "silent" tumor. Apply a hypothermia blanket. 6th edition peds chapter 30 flashcards quizlet test bank maternal child nursing care by perry 6th edition perry . directly affect the edema. 2. When the nurse is alone with a battered patient, the patient seems extremely anxious and says, It was all my fault. a. Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing Care by Perry (6th Edition, 2017) 709 Although rechecking ANS: D Oslers nodes are red, painful, intradermal nodes found on pads of the phalanges in bacterial endocarditis. ANS: B teaching home care, the nurse encourages the family to give the child foods such as bananas, oranges, and leafy Diuretics will help the body get rid of excess To minimize endocarditis? Decrease the edema in legs and feet. b. b. Oslers nodes. Which intervention should be included in the plan of care for an infant with the nursing diagnosis of Excess to the child and the childs parents (Select all that apply)? OBJ: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance, OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance, PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge OBJ: Nursing Process: Diagnosis d. Bone marrow transplantation offers the best chance of long-term survival. b. 586 Report Document Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Laura1 year ago Hannah1 year ago l apres midi il y a des gens sur la plage mais a minuit il n y a personne sur la plage. Bone and joint pain ANS: C The body part that both protects the pelvic structures and accommodates the growing fetus during pregnancy is the: Rejection. seeing the surgical site because they imagine a cavity in the skull. blood pressure may be indicated, it is not the priority action. Having one, child already with PKU does not guarantee that they will not have another. The child needs opportunities for social development. A) Don't worry about it. I've never heard of such a thing! a. Which interventions should the nurse implement? A) Personal risk behaviors influence fertility Nurses have a role in preventionprimarily in screening school-age children for sore throats caused by group A CH 37 Child Cognitive or Sensory Impairment N, Maternal Child Nursing Chapter 37 Impact of C, Ch. planned to accommodate the infants sleep and wake patterns. b. Cardiac arrhythmias. OBJ: Nursing Process: Planning, Implementation b. The incidence of congenital heart disease is approximately 50% in children with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Chapter 14: Maximizing Comfort for the Laboring Woman Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition 5.0 (7 reviews) Term 1 / 32 1. f. Maintain a patent peripheral intravenous catheter until discharge. C) Continuing to deny the pregnancy. c. Temperature above 37.7 C (100 F) fever and discomfort. Headaches, especially on awakening, and vomiting that is not related to feeding are the most It is not a clinical consequence of cyanosis. common malignant extracranial solid tumors in children. Bone marrow transplantation D) Facial grimaces and spasms of hands and feet are often part of arousal. This allows questions to be dentist should be aware of the childs cardiac condition. Maternal Child Nursing Care 6th Edition - December 27, 2016 Write a review Authors: Shannon Perry, Marilyn Hockenberry, Deitra Lowdermilk, David Wilson, Kathryn Alden, Mary Catherine Cashion Paperback ISBN: 9780323549387 eBook ISBN: 9780323479219 Purchase options Select country/region Info/Buy Institutional Subscription Request a Sales Quote b. Janeway lesions d. Aschoffs nodules, ANS: A Comparez les deux dessins. the nurse is not surprised to notice which abnormality? Increasing oxygen may alleviate symptoms; however, medications such as digoxin ANS: A Do you know (who\underline{\text{who}}who, whom) she's going to be for Halloween? 13. They can achieve this by actively participating in throat culture screening or by ANS: B Intensive irradiation and bone marrow transplantation are usually not part of the therapeutic Blood pressure blood pressure? expect to implement? e. Ecchymosis of conjunctiva. a. Assess for neurologic defects. Click the card to flip c. Staphylococcus albicans. this time. When assessing a child for possible congenital heart defects (CHDs), where should the nurse measure including intravenous lines, incision, and endotracheal tube. For what reason might a newborn infant with a cardiac defect, such as coarctation of the aorta, that results The perinatal nurse is caring for a woman in the immediate . prophylactic antibiotics are most important. Weighing the Distal pulses should be palpable, although they may be weaker than in the contralateral extremity, In which situation is there the greatest risk that a newborn infant will have a congenital heart defect What is an expected assessment finding in a child with coarctation of the aorta? tumor and compression of adjacent organs. This new edition includes updated case studies within Nursing Care Plans, as well as a new chapter on pediatric cancer. It is thought that HDLs protect against cardiovascular disease. b-Adrenergic receptor blockers are indicated in the treatment of primary dressing, consisting of an eye pad taped over the surgical site, is changed daily. A) Bimanual palpation. Polycythemia is a compensatory response to chronic hypoxia. vegetables. A 62-year-old woman has not been to the clinic for an annual examination for 5 years. infant with a repaired tetralogy of Fallot. b. Tetralogy of Fallot d. Patent ductus arteriosus. Cells use cholesterol for Minimize seizures. disturbing the infant, changing bed linens and complete bathing are done only when necessary. It is not a pain-free procedure. The classic finding in children with coarctation of the aorta is a disparity in pulses and blood pressures between c. Cardiomyopathy. an airway is being established, what medication should the nurse prepare for immediate administration? Which intervention, 11. c. Imposing strict bed rest for 4 to 6 weeks 25% OFF Book. What is the best response by the nurse in this situation? B) Hypotension and vasodilation C) PCP abdominal mass, sore throat and ear pain, and ecchymosis of conjunctiva are signs of a ANS: B Letting child hear the sounds of an electrocardiograph monitor. Cardiomyopathy is one of the indications for cardiac transplant. B) Listen carefully and allow extra time for this woman's health history interview. The couple tells the nurse that they are planning to have a sec, daughter has PKU, they are sure that their ne, Good planning; you need to take advantage of the odds in your favor., I think youd better check with your doctor first., You are both carriers, so each baby has a 25% chance of being affe, The ultrasound indicates a boy, and boys are not affected by PKU., The chance is one in four that each child produced by this couple will be affected by PKU, disorder. a. The nurses initial response should be to: should be avoided routinely because of the risk of Reyes syndrome after viral illnesses. priority nursing action. With fluid volume excess, skin will be edematous. A father and mother are carriers of phenylketonuria (PKU). C) Vaginal vestibule. Avoiding salicylates (aspirin) Strenuous activity must be avoided for several days, but the child can return to b-hemolytic streptococci. C) The fetus is placed at risk for altered brain growth. d. You should place a nasal oxygen cannula on your infant during and after each feeding. c. Unrestricted proliferation of immature white blood cells (WBCs) occurs. A common, serious complication of rheumatic fever is: after a cardiac catheterization. Myelography is a radiographic examination after an intrathecal injection of contrast medium. A) Battering phase A) Women and men are more alike than different in their physiologic response to sexual arousal and B) Listen carefully and allow extra time for this woman's health history interview. a. Which statement by the c. Intensive irradiation is the primary treatment. stressful for children. ANS: A Test Bank Complete For Maternal Child Nursing 6th Edition Mc Kinney Version 2022 - Download Complete - Studocu Includes questions, answers and rationale of correct answer. B) Endometrial cycle. OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance, PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension Vasodilation is more common in septic shock. rhabdomyosarcoma tumor. Which signs and symptoms should the nurse include (Select all that The nurse is admitting a child with rheumatic fever. D) A four A's procedure. Bone fractures ANS: D Match. 18. a. Trisomy 21 detected on amniocentesis C) Many women have benign lumps and bumps in their breasts. The affected joints will change every 1 to 2 days. Notify the physician when weight gain exceeds more than 20 g/day. 16. refer the couple to a psychologist for emotional support. Recommended for you Document continues below. Which defect results in the adrenal glands or the retroperitoneal sympathetic chain. D) Puberty. B) She will be at risk for abusing other substances as well. Which is often administered to prevent or control hemorrhage in a child diagnosed with. before the physician drains the fluid, but the physician must be notified. and frequently suggest a common childhood illness, such as "earache" or "runny nose." Congestive heart failure is not a leading cause C) He will never find out what we talk about. above 37.7 C (100 F); new, frequent coughing; and any episodes of the infant turning blue or bluer than MULTIPLE RESPONSE Bone and The child should be told what he will look and feel like after surgery. A) Take a firm approach that encourages the client to facilitate the examination by following the physicians instructions exactly. Weight loss A) No one deserves to be hurt. The young woman states that she will not remove her bra because, There is something wrong with my breasts; one is way bigger. d. Keep the affected leg flexed and elevated. Explain that only a Band-Aid will be needed. Irritability, seizures, and fever Which statement would indicate that the client requires additional instruction about breast self- examination? site. b. An important nursing consideration when chest tubes will be removed from a child is to: Ace your exams with this Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home d. Administer digoxin (Lanoxin) as ordered by the physician. The majority of tumors develop in Keep the child warm with blankets. processed. The initial assessment finding with a Wilms' (kidney) tumor is abdominal swelling. Other tumors, such as those of the retroperitoneal area, only she is scheduled. a. Assess the parents anxiety level and readiness to learn. include pale, cool extremities, not warm and flushed, and weight gain, not weight loss. 50 Care of Patients with Musculoskeletal, Ch. Example 1. a. Staphylococcus albus. femur, most of the remaining sites are the humerus, tibia, pelvis, jaw, and phalanges. Restricted activity and medications will be necessary to prevent recurrence of preterm labor. for side effects. The nurse is caring for an infant with congestive heart disease (CHD). d. Prepare the family for imminent death, ANS: B Which expected appearance will the nurse explain to parents of an infant returning from Genetic testing, including amniocentesis, would need to be performe, the fetus is affected. c. Hypotension Neuroblastomas are the most e. The implanted sphere is covered with conjunctiva and resembles the lining of the b. Irritability and apprehension ANS: D care and education settings maternal child nursing e book google books web sep 3 2021 maternal child nursing 6th edition makes it easy to Prevent dehydration. b. nodules are nontender swellings located over bony prominences, commonly found in rheumatic fever. Blood pressure disease, it is not a compensatory mechanism for chronic hypoxia. There are 545 NCLEX -style practice questions partitioned into 8 sets. The peak c. It is the most common brain tumor in young children. A patient at 24 weeks of gestation says she has a glass of wine with dinner every evening. their infant to provide the holding, rocking, and cuddling that help children sleep more soundly. ANS: C D) Ask the woman to reschedule the appointment for the examination. Which is the primary site of d. Sweating (inappropriate) The insertion a. The posttransplantation course is complex. d. Primary hypertension is not affected by exercise.

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